he / him transmasc homosexual vietnamese
california ☼ leo ☾ scorpio ↑ virgo isfp-t

HOBBIES: creating architecture in minecraft (specifically gardens and houses), playing league of legends, playing league of legends with my best friend andrew, and watching youtube.

Friend Activity

ABOUT ME: my name is fisher, also known as khai or nero to close friends as well as irls! be warned that my humor can be intense and i may come off as rude unintentionally because of the way i tease people i talk to. i rly i dont mean to do that
WARNING: i can be overemotional at times, and some days i can be dry because im really not feeling great. its hard for me to deal with people venting (i have no clue how to comfort) so please so not vent to me or rant to me unless we are close, thank you

FAVS?!: my all time favs are lux from lol and hunter from toh! :)

K1ngC00ki3   3h

Call it Fate, Call it Karma
by The Strokes

Bee!!       6h

Michael in the Bathroom
by Be More Chill the Musical

Samdee     14h

Looking Out For You
by Joy Again

Public Playlists

out of ur league (of legends)

fishing tunes

these bitches want sum